Of course, none of this schedule could be given the true test: going to the 'con. At the con, we discovered that Avalon Hill wasn't showing (they'd all been fired), and that WotC had decided to do some demos. All things being equal, the Demo room and the Hilton were equally busy at different times. The fans liked it, so we liked it. End of story.
Here's the tentative schedule for the MIB at Worldcon:
Wednesday, August 5, 1998 Dirt Simple games will involve anything people want to learn; if gamers want to do DH, swell; if not, then Dirt Simple staff will do what the gamers want to! 12:00pm Ralph & Seth unavailable until 1pm; attending 'Welcome to WorldCon' in CC336. 1:00pm Ralph & Seth set up 'Dirt Simple' in CC327 (the Dirt Simple/Demos Room), and run games for a while. (until dinner; may wander in and out as attendance waxes and wanes.) 2:00pm Dang Nguyen intros GURPS Lite in Hilton. 2:00pm Matt Lee shows off Knightmare Chess in the Hilton. 2:00pm Gaming in Hilton goes on until gamers want dinner. 9:00pm Ralph unavailable past this point . 1 In the interests of simplicity, please: any MIB's who are free to help out other MIB's (either by helping or just filling up the table) please do so if you're not up to anything more important. Thursday, August 6, 1998 10:00am Ralph Melton unavailable until 2pm. 10:00am Matt Lee in Dirt Simple Room showing off Dino Hunt, until lunch. 12:00pm Dang Nguyen unavailable until 4pm. 4:00pm Dang shows off intro to In Nomine; when completed, Dang shows off advanced "Angelic-Oriented" In Nomine. 6:00pm Ralph Melton in Hilton does INWO-SubGenius game. Recruits for INWO tournament later. 4 hours (possibly less), up to 8 players. Other MIB's requested. 6:00pm Dang Nguyen shows off GURPS Lite if finished with In Nomine; educational session for MIB's interested in GURPS Lite; otherwise, this session can be moved to Saturday afternoon. Friday, August 7, 1998 9:00am Although 24 hour open gaming is in the Hilton all during the convention, scheduling cannot be done until 10am. So, if you want to game in the Hilton pre-10 am, go there & set up. I've adjusted the times. 10:00am Matt Lee in Dirt Simple. 10:00am Ralph Melton, Steve Brinich, and Sarah Elkins show off Hacker all morning in Hilton; Steve Brinich unavailable past 12:45pm. 10:00am Seth Cohen w/Dino Hunt in Hilton. 12:00pm Dang Nguyen unavailable until 6pm. 1:00pm Matt Lee to do Knightmare Chess in Hilton. 1:00pm Steve Brinich unavailable. 2:00pm Ralph Melton: Toon in Hilton? 6:00pm Ed Elder gaming in Hilton: GURPS Traveller "Duty, Loyalty, and Honor". Game to run for 4 hours. Basic GURPS experience recommended. 2-6 players. 7:00pm Matt Lee to do Play-Doh Car Wars in Hilton until dawn...or whenever he stops. 11:59pm Ralph Melton unavailable past midnight. Saturday, August 8, 1998 9:00am SJG session one at Demo Table in CC337. Matt Lee, Seth, Ralph, Ed Elder (+/- Steve Fritz and SJ if they can). Round table, showing off any games possible to interested parties. Until 1pm or lunch, or other committments. Wear MIB shirts/ID/pins! 10:00am Steve Brinich in Hilton with INWO OWE or SubGenius. Sarah Elkins with Hacker. 11:00am Ralph Melton unavailable until 2pm. 12:00pm Dang Nguyen unavailable until 6pm. 2:00pm -8pm or later: INWO "Universal Overlord" Tournament! Ralph Melton GM; assisting = Ed Elder, Steve Brinich, Matt Lee, Seth. If attendance high, means good MIB:player ratio; if few players, MIB's can do other games in Hilton or go back for Dirt Simple. 8:00pm Tournament ends or continues as needed. 10:00pm WorldCon MIB Party at Seth's apartment. 11:59pm Ralph Melton unavailable past midnight. Sunday, August 9, 1998 10:00am Ed Elder GURPS Atomic Horror "I.R.C.Z.M." in Hilton. 2-6 players, Basic GURPS experience recommended. 10:00am Seth Cohen & Matt Lee with Dino Hunt in Hilton. 10:00am Ralph Melton, Steve Brinich in Dirt Simple. 1:00pm Seth Cohen to SJG booth to help with final hours (?) of booth & packing up.Here's the updated full schedule for Worldcon Gaming. It has a couple of flaws, but nothing to really worry about. (famous last words)
Worldcon Gaming schedule and descriptions - Hilton WED., AUGUST 5 CONVENTION CENTER - ROOM 327 The gaming center opens with our Fast & Fun tables as well as demonstra- tions from a number of prominent game companies. Fast and Fun will include such games as Dino Hunt, Lunch Money, Spammers, Abalone, Once Upon A Time, Falling, Give Me The Brain, Kill Dr. Lucky, Knightmare Chess and many more. 3:00 p.m. Super Nova Demo TEXT: Science Fiction card game pits races against each other. Easy to learn. GM: John Montrie 4:00 p.m. Babylon 5 CCG Demo One of the hottest new collectible card games this year is based on the rapidly-becoming classic TV series. Here's your chance to try it out first hand. GM: Jerry Collins 5:00 p.m. Dragon Storm Demo A Role-playing card game from Black Dragon Press. GM: Marc Chalmers HILTON HOTEL - 19TH FLOOR 2:00 p.m. GURPS Lite - Royale Board Room - 2pm-6pm An easy-to-learn NEW version of the multiple-genre GURPS Role-Playing Game with Introductory adventure. Every participant gets their own copy of GURPS Lite to take home! GM: Dang Nguyen 4:00 p.m. European Board Games - Royale Board Room - 4pm-8pm The latest quick, easy-to-learn games from Europe, which has been breaking new grounds in innovation. Among the games you can learn are: Bohnanza, Turf Horse Racing, Formula Motor Racing, Pass The Bomb, Sherlock Holmes, Bamboleo and Elfenlands. GM: Theo Clarke 8:00 p.m. Call Of Cthulu/In Search Of A Clue - Royale Board Room. Horror Role-playing game based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft. Scenario: "You know what your name is, but for some reason you are fuzzy on all the other details... And who are all these strange people you suddenly find yourself with? Characters are supplied, the rest is a mystery. Uses the Call of Cthulhu game mechanics. This event is time driven, so please show up promptly. Top 3 players will receive prizes! All materials will be provided, but if you have dice, bring 'em." GM: Gregory Himes THURS. AUGUST 6 CONVENTION CENTER - ROOM 327 10:00 a.m. * The Fast & Fun room is open for business. Learn such games as Dino Hunt, Lunch Money, Spammers, Abalone, Once Upon A Time, Falling, Give Me The Brain, Kill Dr. Lucky, Knightmare Chess and many more. Nuclear War Card Game Demo Card game where you get to destroy the world. 'Nuff said. One of the oldest and durable games in the history of the industry. GM: John Lach 2:00 p.m. Dragon Storm Demo A Role-playing card game from Black Dragon Press. GM: Marc Chalmers 3:00 p.m. Super Nova Card Game Demo Science Fiction card game pits races against each other. Easy to learn. GM: John Montrie HILTON HOTEL - 19TH FLOOR NOON Rifts RPG Intro - Royale Board Room Learn the mult-genre Role Playing Game where you could end up anywhere - Introductory adventure GM: Dang Nguyen RuneQuest: Slayers Fantasy Role Playing Game - Royale Board Room. Avalon Hill's reincarnation of its classic RPG. With new rules and a new background. There are no wizards or mages in this version. Charac- ters can only rely on their wits, steel and ancestral runes to sur- vive. GM: J.J. Connors/Jason Behnke 2:00 p.m. In Nomine Role Playing Game Demo - Royale Board Room Learn the secret war of Angels versus Infernals here on earth. Learn how all creation is built on universal energy the Angels call The Symphony. Infernals are out to disrupt it. Angelics are out to pre- serve it. Which side are you on? Do you know which side you're on? With Introductory adventure. GM: Walter Milliken Middle River Death Race - Royale Conference Room Deadly car combat based on Steve Jackson Games' Car Wars. Try to win the race with both your car and your carcass intact. GM: Donald Woods The Babylon Project RPG - Royale Conference Room Based on the Babylon 5 universe by Chameleon Eclectic. Try to navigate peace on board your sector of the galaxy's last great hope. You'll need all your ambassadorial, military and political skills to survive what the Shadows have in store. GM: Chameleon Eclectic 5:00 p.m. European Board Games - Royale Conference Foyer A selection of quick, easy to learn games from Europe. Among the games you can learn are: Bohnanza, Turf Horse Racing, Formula Motor Racing, Pass The Bomb, Sherlock Holmes, Bamboleo and Elfenlands. GM: Theo Clarke 6:00 p.m. In Nomine RPG Campaign - Royale Board Room Angelic adventure. An agent of neutrality has The Name of God in his possession. Retrieve The Name before it falls into the hands of the Fallen. Experience players. GM: Dang Nguyen Illuminati: New World Order Tournament - Royale Board Room Conspiracy card game using the new SubGenius expansion boxed set. See if you can freak the pinks and get slack while your at it before your other conspirators beat ya to it. Don't forget the loot for the winners! GM: Ralph Melton Titan: The Arena Card game - Royale Conference Foyer Avalon Hill's card game of fantasy gladiators. Place your wagers on which of eight creatures will survive fighting to the death in a bloody battle. GM: John Behnke Monsters Ravage America Board Game - Royale Conference Foyer Avalon Hill's newest board game. You're in charge of one of eight giant monsters destroying America AND one of the armed services. Trample cities and landmarks as you try to stop the other monsters with the military. Research Earth Shattering Gadgets! MUTATE! And Who Will Be The King of the Monsters! GM: J. J. Connors FUDGE RPG - Federal Hill Suite Lean this simple and flexible role-playing game that you can download right of the Grey Ghost's web site. GM: Ann Dupuis/Stefan O'Sullivan 7:00 p.m. Aliens Predator CCG Tournament - Royale Board Room You can be either Aliens, Predators or the Marines. The aliens are swarming swarming a space station. The Marines are trying to get the last five survivors out alive. Meanwhile, there's a Predator on board who sees some incredible honor kills. Who will complete their mission first? Prizes. People who win will qualify for an Alien Predator grand championship on Sunday. GM: David Gannon Continuum Science Fiction Role Playing Game - Fairmont Suite The Death Hand of St. No-One - Aetherco/DreamCatcher present the role playing game of genuine time travel. You and your chronies run a rave scene in 1993 Brooklyn, when you are approached by a fellow time traveller who claims he needs to find a relic of his own sainthood. This four-hour event has generated excitement in playtests in New York. GM: Chris Adams 8:00 p.m. GURPS Lite RPG Demo - Royale Board Room An easy-to-learn NEW version of the multiple-genre GURPS Role-Playing Game with Introductory adventure. Every participant gets their own copy of GURPS Lite to take home! GM: Matt Lee 9:00 p.m. Starship Troopers Board game - Royale Conference Foyer Based on the movie. It's a GIANT version of the game from Avalon Hill. Command a horde of warrior bugs or a desperate squad of mobile infan- try. Would you like to know more? GM: Jason Behnke/J. J. Connors 9:30 p.m. Call Of Cthulu RPG/Dreams Carved In Stone - Royale Conference Room Based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft. Welcome to Moonbase One. It's the year 2075. Things were going just fine, until recently, that is. Then they found that giant black dome in the mines. There was the screaming dream, and now the discovery of what seem to be cat skele- tons. Could it get any stranger? Photo IDs made for players. All materials will be provided, but if you have dice, bring 'em." GM: Gregory Himes FRI. AUGUST 7 CONVENTION CENTER - ROOM 327 * It's the start of the weekend, so that means the Fast'n Fun tables are going into high gear! Dino Hunt, Lunch Money, Spammers, Abalone, Once Upon A Time, Falling, Give Me The Brain, Kill Dr. Lucky, Knightmare Chess and more. 10:00 a.m. Star Trek/Star Wars CCG Demonstrations TEXT: Meet Decipher Inc's official emissary for both their Star Wars and Star Trek collectible card games. Learn all the new features in their just-released Star Trek: Deep Space 9 expansion set. GM: Marcus Serta Dino Hunt Card Game Hunt dinosaurs and bring them back alive. Kid friendly! GM: Seth Cohen NOON Dragon Storm Demo A Role-playing card game from Black Dragon Press. GM: Marc Chalmers Babylon 5 CCG Demos Here's your chance to learn one of the hottest new collectible card games this year. Based on the rapidly-becoming classic TV series. GM: Jerry Collins 3:00 p.m. Super Nova Card Game Demo Science Fiction card game pits races against each other. Easy to learn. GM: John Montrie HILTON HOTEL - 19TH FLOOR 10:00 a.m. European Board Games - Royale Board Room The latest quick, easy-to-learn games from Europe, which has been breaking new groun$s in innovation. Among the games you can learn are: Bohnanza, Turf Horse Racing, Formula Motor Racing, Pass The Bomb, Sherlock Holmes, Bamboleo and Elfenlands. GM: Theo Clarke Hacker Card Game - Royale Conference Room. The computer crime card game inspired by the Secret Service's raid on Steve Jackson Games. Build !nd take over t(e network, nark on competi- tors. Just don't get busted! No equipment (e.g., cards) or actual computer know,edge required. New players welcome." GM: Sarah Elkins 11:00 a.m. Toon Role Playing Game - Royale Conference Room You are a cartoon character. Defy gravity. Survive shotgun blasts to your face. Just watch out for the bombs and big weapons or you'll have to wait until after the commercial break to come back. GM: John Lach NOON Rifts Role Playing Game/Advanced level - Royale Board Room A self-proclaimed witch king declares Washington as his territory. As hidden representatives of Lazlo, you're orders are to terminate his reign with extreme prejudice, extreme techology and extreme magic. For high level characters. GM: Dang Nguyen The Babylon Project RPG - Royale Conference Room - 12pm-4pm Based on the Babylon 5 universe by Chameleon Eclectic. Try to navigate peace on board your sector of the galaxy's last great hope. You'll need all your ambassadorial, military and political skills to survive what the Shadows have in store. GM: Chameleon Eclectic RuneQuest: Slayers RPG - Royale Board Room Avalon Hill's reincarnation of its classic RPG. With new rules and a new background. There are no wizards or mages in this version. Charac- ters can only rely on their wits, steel and ancestral runes to sur- vive. GM: J.J. Connors/Jason Behnke 2:00 p.m. Toon RPG - Royale Conference Room You are a cartoon character. Defy gravity. Survive shotgun blasts to your face. Just watch out for the bombs and big weapons or you'll have to wait until after the commercial break to come back. GM: Ralph Melton Magic And Steel Fantasy Role Playing Game - Royale Board Room Elfbane's Homecoming scenario. Experienced players. GM: Donald Woods Hero Wars Role Playing Game - Federal Hill Suite Set in the Glorantha universe - Experienced level scenario - Players must be familiar with the world of Glorantha. GM: Andrew Barton 4:00 p.m. In Nomine RPG Demo - Royale Board Room Role Playing Game of Angels versus Infernals - Introductory adventure. GM: Walter Milliken Hacker Card Game - Royale Conference Room The computer crime card game inspired by the Secret Service's raid on Steve Jackson Games. Build and take over the network, nark on competi- tors. Just don't get busted! No equipment (e.g., cards) or actual computer knowledge required. New players welcome. GM: Sarah Elkins 6:00 p.m. Titan: The Arena Card game - Royale Conference Foyer Avalon Hill's card game of fantasy gladiators. Place your wagers on which of eight creatures will survive fighting to the death in a bloody battle. GM: John Behnke Monsters Ravage America Board Game - Royale Conference Foyer Avalon Hill's newest board game. You're in charge of one of eight giant monsters destroying America AND one of the armed services. Trample cities and landmarks as you try to stop the other monsters with the military. Research Earth Shattering Gadgets! MUTATE! And Who Will Be The King of the Monsters! GM: J. J. Connors FUDGE RPG - Federal Hill Suite Lean this simple and flexible role-playing game that you can download right of the Grey Ghost's web site. GM: Ann Dupuis/Stefan O'Sullivan Aliens Predator CCG Tournament - Royale Board Room You can be either Aliens, Predators or the Marines. The aliens are swarming swarming a space station. The Marines are trying to get the last five survivors out alive. Meanwhile, there's a Predator on board who sees some incredible honor kills. Who will complete their mission first? Prizes. People who win will qualify for an Alien Predator grand championship on Sunday. GM: David Gannon 7:00 p.m. Play-Dough Car Wars - Royale Board Room Violent miniatures game where players drive weapon-loaded cars and try to destroy their opponents. Fire your rockets and drop those land mines as you try to survive the arena! Blow up your opponents, but watch out for that missile coming your way! Play-Dough cars will be used and dissected as necessary. All supplies and will be provided and prizes will be awarded. New players welcome! Strict limit of 12 players, so come early! GM: Matt Lee 8:00 p.m. Ragnarok Role Playing Game - Royale Board Room GM: Dave Nalle Star Wars CCG Tournament - Royale Conference Foyer Tournament for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. Prizes! GM: Marcus Serta 9:00 p.m. Starship Troopers - Royale Conference Foyer Based on the movie. It's a GIANT version of the game from Avalon Hill. Command a horde of warrior bugs or a desperate squad of mobile infan- try. Would you like to know more? GM: Jason Behnke/J. J. Connors 10:00 p.m. Call Of Cthulu RPG/In Search Of A Clue - Royale Board Room Based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft. You know what your name is, but for some reason you are fuzzy on all the other details... And who are all these strange people you suddenly find yourself with? Characters are supplied, the rest is a mystery. Uses the Call of Cthulhu game mechanics. This event is time driven, so please show up promptly. Top 3 players will receive prizes. All materials will be provided, but if you have dice, bring 'em." - GM: Gregory Himes SAT. AUGUST 8 CONVENTION CENTER - ROOM 327 * It's Saturday and all the cartoons are reruns anyway. Why don't you bring your box of Life cereal to the Fast'n Fun room? Lean Dino Hunt, Lunch Money, Spammers, Abalone, Once Upon A Time, Falling, Give Me The Brain, Kill Dr. Lucky, Knightmare Chess and more. Even Mikey would like it. 2:00 p.m. Star Trek/Star Wars CCG Demonstrations TEXT: Meet Decipher Inc's official emissary for both their Star Wars and Star Trek collectible card games. Learn all the new features in their just-released Star Trek: Deep Space 9 expansion set. GM: Marcus Serta HILTON HOTEL - 19TH FLOOR 10:00 a.m. European Board Games - Royale Board Room The latest quick, easy-to-learn games from Europe, which has been breaking new grounds in innovation. Among the games you can learn are: Bohnanza, Turf Horse Racing, Formula Motor Racing, Pass The Bomb, Sherlock Holmes, Bamboleo and Elfenlands. GM: Theo Clarke NOON Alien Predator CCG Tournament - Federal Hill Suite You can be either Aliens, Predators or the Marines. The aliens are swarming swarming a space station. The Marines are trying to get the last five survivors out alive. Meanwhile, there's a Predator on board who sees some incredible honor kills. Who will complete their mission first? Prizes. People who win will qualify for an Alien Predator grand championship on Sunday. Rifts RPG - Advanced Players - Royale Board Room Caravans to and from Lazlo are disappearing. Rumors are that even Coalition trade routes are being hit. The only common link is all the technology is being taken. Nothing else. Mid- to High-Level players. GM: Dang Nguyen RuneQuest RPG - Royale Conference Room Avalon Hill's reincarnation of its classic RPG. With new rules and a new background. There are no wizards or mages in this version. Charac- ters can only rely on their wits, steel and ancestral runes to sur- vive. GM: J.C. Connors/Jason Behnke 2:00 p.m. In Nomine RPG Demo - Royale Board Room Role Playing Game of Angels versus Infernals - Introductory adventure. GM: Walter Milliken Illuminati: New World Order CCG Tournament - Royale Board Room You are one of the secret masters of the Earth. Control enough groups to thwart your rival's nefarious schemes. Bring your own deck. Really nifty prizes! GM: Ed Elder Babylon 5 CCG Tournament - Federal Hill Suite You are the ambassador of one of the major races on Babylon 5. Try to fulfill your agenda before your opponents do. It is recommended that you bring at least two-three decks from different races. Prized sup- plied by Precedence Entertainment. GM: Jerry Collins 6:00pm Titan: The Arena Card game - Royale Conference Foyer Avalon Hill's card game of fantasy gladiators. Place your wagers on which of eight creatures will survive fighting to the death in a bloody battle. GM: John Behnke Monsters Ravage America Board Game - Royale Conference Foyer Avalon Hill's newest board game. You're in charge of one of eight giant monsters destroying America AND one of the armed services. Trample cities and landmarks as you try to stop the other monsters with the military. Research Earth Shattering Gadgets! MUTATE! And Who Will Be The King of the Monsters! GM: J. J. Connors FUDGE RPG - Royale Conference Room Lean this simple and flexible role-playing game that you can download right of the Grey Ghost's web site. GM: Ann Dupuis/Stefan O'Sullivan 7:00 p.m. Continuum Science Fiction Role Playing Game - Federal Hill Suite The Death Hand of St. No-One - Aetherco/DreamCatcher present the role playing game of genuine time travel. You and your chronies run a rave scene in 1993 Brooklyn, when you are approached by a fellow time traveller who claims he needs to find a relic of his own sainthood. This four-hour event has generated excitement in playtests in New York. GM: Chris Adams 8:00 p.m. Ragnarok Role Playing Game - Federal Hill Suite GM: Dave Nalle Star Trek CCG Tournament - Royale Board Room Tournament for the Star Trek Customizable Card Game. You can be the Federation, Klingons, Romulans and/or the Borg. Try to fulfill your your missions before your opponents do. Prizes! GM: Marcus Serta 9:00pm Starship Troopers - Royale Conference Room Based on the movie. It's a GIANT version of the game from Avalon Hill. Command a horde of warrior bugs or a desperate squad of mobile infan- try. Would you like to know more? GM: Jason Behnke/J. J. Connors 10:00 p.m. Call Of Cthulu RPG/Ancient Conspiracy - Royale Conference Foyer Based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft. Dr. Richard McAndrews has compiled a large number of UFO sightings that fit an exact pattern. He believes he can deduce where the next one will occur. Your job, to accompany him, and find out exactly what these sightings are. All materials will be provided, but if you have dice, bring 'em. GM: Gregory Himes SUN. AUGUST 9 CONVENTION CENTER - ROOM 327 * There's still one last day for your to check out the Fast'n Fun room! Learn Dino Hunt, Lunch Money, Spammers, Abalone, Once Upon A Time, Falling, Give Me The Brain, Kill Dr. Lucky, Knightmare Chess and more. 10:00 a.m. Star Trek/Star Wars CCG Demonstrations TEXT: Meet Decipher Inc's official emissary for both their Star Wars and Star Trek collectible card games. Learn all the new features in their just-released Star Trek: Deep Space 9 expansion set. GM: Marcus Serta HILTON HOTEL - 19TH FLOOR 10:00 a.m. GURPS: Atomic Horror - Royale Board Room Based on the old Toho monster films. You think Godzilla was a problem? Wait until you see what's coming next! GM: Ed Elder European Board Games - Royale Board Room The latest quick, easy-to-learn games from Europe, which has been breaking new grounds in innovation. Among the games you can learn are: Bohnanza, Turf Horse Racing, Formula Motor Racing, Pass The Bomb, Sherlock Holmes, Bamboleo and Elfenlands. GM: Theo Clark NOON Alien Predator CCG Championship Tournament - Royale Board Room This is it. The champions from all the previous Alien Predator tourna- ments now get their chance to kill each other for even more and better prizes. This won't be just another bug hunt.Return to the MIB Worldcon Page