Evecon finally straddled the New Year's weekend in a beautiful fashion. (not that I saw the new millenium at the con; of course, I had to work that day. *sigh*) Here are copious, copious photos from this convention. As a matter of fact, I took so many that I need to make subpages for the most photographed events, INWO and The Hills Rise Wild! Go to those pages if you're looking for those games.
Ed Elder sets up his Ogre Miniatures for demo display.
Here's a closeup of his Ogre besieged by some Heavy Tanks and GEV's.
Lije and Brian teach Brawl to a convention attendee.
When I discovered that Chris Rubenstahl (facing us at the end of the table) was running GURPS Traveller, I made certain he was given prize material to distribute to his players. The victor of this game got a GURPS Basic Set.
Having collected another congoer, Lije runs a game of Deadwood.
Later development in the Deadwood game.
Marc Chalmers runs a 4-handed game of Knightmare Chess. His display table is in the background.
Same game, later on with a different angle. Marc eventually ran 2 marathon games of Knightmare Chess.
Here's Marc's other table, set up with two other interesting boards (another 4 player and a 3-player board).
Here's the start of Brian & Lije's Zombie-thon, staring with Give Me The Brain. The prize, The Great Brain Robbery, sits on a stand at the back of their table.
Stage 2 in the Zombiethon, Lord of the Fries.
And the final stage, The Great Brain Robbery.
Same game, different angle.
Saturday night, Brian & Lije ran Vegas. Although everyone had fun, Shawn (in the skull t-shirt) obviously thought this must have been a Zombie game. 8^)
And of course, the final picture of the night. Arthur Levesque, in his full...er...glory? Yeah, that word will do until someone gives me a better one. Arthur came to do MIB activities at Evecon, but mostly played cool games. And that's what cons are for, right? To hang out & have fun.
Did you get to see the copious photos taken of INWO and The Hills Rise Wild? If not, please go check those out!
And if you have seen them, please go Return to the MIB page