Intercon is a LARPing convention. I mostly showed up for part of one day to show off products and answer questions. I did play a game or two (while I sat with my stuff in the registration room), but didn't see the majority of the conventioners. Here's a couple of pix:
Here's the table of prizes that Intercon was raffling off. There was already some stuff from Cheapass there, but I added to it from my stash of prizes. I hadn't brought SJG prizes with me, so wasn't able to contribute anything from that front.
The Intercon staff thoughtfully provided me a table to spread out my
demo stuff. From left, you can see GURPS Lite and Cheapass catalogs;
then we have an enormous array of white Cheapass envelopes, culminating
at the right side with Button Men, Brawl, Dino Hunt, and Fig Newtons.
Evecon 2000
We had massive representation at this convention? Why? Because it's close, inexpensive, and lots of fun. I shouldn't have to explain any of that to you, should I?
Not pictured is the table of freebies. I left out GURPS Lite and Cheapass catalogs for anyone to take. I didn't take too many back with me at the end of the convention.
Here Karl Musser and Steve Brinich work out details about removing Awful Green Things from the starship Znutar...or, if you prefer, having Awful Green Things eat a starship crew.
Sarah Elkins (at right) is running a game of Hacker. This game ran long, if I recall correctly. Large crowd, lots of interaction among the players.
Here's a shot of the beginning of the first game of Deluxe Illuminati run at Evecon. Run by John Spey (whose hands appear at left), he's explaining the basics of the game to two new players. I played as well, and got my butt kicked.
Here's shots of two more games, also run by MIBs. I didn't get too many details, although I heard that Sarah Elkins won both. Visible in the background in a red shirt is Greyhawk, who was undoubtedly Monkeying around.
Here's Sarah again, with Ed Elder at right.
And if we have Illuminati, we must have INWO. A good mix of experienced players and new ones. If I'd been at the convention more, I would have run more. *shrugs* Eh, so be it.
Marc Chalmers is the local expert on Knightmare Chess; he likes to abuse players by setting it up so that four players play on his board, rather than the usual 2 player head-to-head game. Evil, yes? And we like it that way.
Here's another view of the board...I don't recall if this was the same game or not, or earlier or later. Sorry, my photos got out of order.
This picture I'm certain I didn't take. I left my camera with Ed Elder; I had to be elsewhere for the Saturday of Evecon. This is a game of Tile Chess being run by Don Corcoran (right). Also participating is Marc Chalmers (left).
Aah, a very large and abusive game of Kill Dr. Lucky. Not everyone is playing; some are observing. There was also some tag-team action as folks ducked in or out in order to accomplish other stuff. Many uses of silly weapons, and for some reason my KDL set now has two Monkey Hands. Even weirder.
Here's one version of my table that I set up to display much of my stuff, with someone examining a Cheapass Game. This shot must be from Sunday, after my CAG sign disappeared. I need to find a different method; doing it this way is always a lot of work. Amusing, nonetheless, but work.
Yah, this was more than a fair amount of gaming. I'd post the
convention report if I thought it would help to make more sense of it.
But this is only the tip of the iceberg! Wait until you can see the
shots from JohnCon 1900!